Copyright Missouri Association of Cosmetology Schools © 2024
About M.A.C.S.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our organization! M.A.C.S. is an abbreviation for "Missouri Association of Cosmetology Schools." Our slogan is "Quality Through Education" and we are a not-for-profit group that is dedicated to improving education within the realm of cosmetology schools. M.A.C.S. promotes year round student recruitment to keep cosmetology school enrollment at a high level. M.A.C.S. sponsors educational programs (Instructor License Renewal Seminars) to keep members informed of the latest developments in the teaching and practice of cosmetology. M.A.C.S. The seminars are held annually in Kansas City, St. Louis and Lake of the Ozarks. Please visit the Seminar page for details. M.A.C.S. promotes a protective program to inform, guide, assist and organize ways and means for the protection of member schools. M.A.C.S. promotes a co-operative program with various organizations, representing the various segments of the industry, to promote the best interests of the cosmetology industry. M.A.C.S. promotes a teachers organization under its own leadership for the betterment of cosmetology education, and to present educational programs for all meetings and seminars of this organization. M.A.C.S. promotes a rightful defense or if necessary have the right to sue as a representative of this membership, or any group thereof, in suits where a representative may appear for a class of persons similarly situated and wherein there is a common question of law or fact or both affecting the rights of these persons and common relief is sought. M.A.C.S. promotes a legislative program to promote beneficial legislation for the entire beauty industry and prevent harmful legislation. M.A.C.S. promotes a healthy and co-operative relationship with the Missouri State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners. M.A.C.S. invites privately owned Missouri cosmetology schools to become members of our organization. Click here to download the PDF membership application. M.A.C.S. invites Corporate Sponsorship for vendors and other companies who support and promote the cosmetology school industry. If you are interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor you can download the PDF application form by visiting the Sponsor page.
M.A.C.S. Missouri Association of Cosmetology Schools “Quality Through Education”
Copyright Missouri Association of Cosmetology Schools © 2024
M.A.C.S. Missouri Association of Cosmetology Schools “Quality Through Education”
About M.A.C.S.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our organization! M.A.C.S. is an abbreviation for "Missouri Association of Cosmetology Schools." Our slogan is "Quality Through Education" and we are a not-for-profit group that is dedicated to improving education within the realm of cosmetology schools. M.A.C.S. promotes year round student recruitment to keep cosmetology school enrollment at a high level. M.A.C.S. sponsors educational programs (Instructor License Renewal Seminars) to keep members informed of the latest developments in the teaching and practice of cosmetology. M.A.C.S. The seminars are held annually in Kansas City, St. Louis and Lake of the Ozarks. Please visit the Seminar page for details. M.A.C.S. promotes a protective program to inform, guide, assist and organize ways and means for the protection of member schools. M.A.C.S. promotes a co-operative program with various organizations, representing the various segments of the industry, to promote the best interests of the cosmetology industry. M.A.C.S. promotes a teachers organization under its own leadership for the betterment of cosmetology education, and to present educational programs for all meetings and seminars of this organization. M.A.C.S. promotes a rightful defense or if necessary have the right to sue as a representative of this membership, or any group thereof, in suits where a representative may appear for a class of persons similarly situated and wherein there is a common question of law or fact or both affecting the rights of these persons and common relief is sought. M.A.C.S. promotes a legislative program to promote beneficial legislation for the entire beauty industry and prevent harmful legislation. M.A.C.S. promotes a healthy and co-operative relationship with the Missouri State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners. M.A.C.S. invites privately owned Missouri cosmetology schools to become members of our organization. Click here to download the PDF membership application. M.A.C.S. invites Corporate Sponsorship for vendors and other companies who support and promote the cosmetology school industry. If you are interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor you can download the PDF application form by visiting the Sponsor page.